Empowering the futures of brick kiln children of Pakistan

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Everlasting Life Mission Pakistan

Brick kiln slavery

Brick kiln slavery is a pervasive issue in Pakistan, where families, often driven by dire circumstances, become entrapped in a cycle of debt bondage. Families, including young children, find themselves toiling in grueling conditions, molding bricks under the scorching sun for meager wages.

In this bleak landscape, children bear the brunt of the hardship. Stripped of their right to a carefree childhood, they face hazardous working conditions, prolonged hours, and a perpetual lack of access to education. Denied the opportunity to learn and grow, these children are thrust into a life of labor, perpetuating a cycle of poverty that echoes for generations.

  • There are nearly 20,000 brick kilns across Pakistan and 100,000 across south Asia.
  • An estimated 1 in 3 of brick kiln workers are

underage and in some kilns more than half are

under 10.

  • There are an estimated 25 million people in debt-slavery across Asia and the Pacific regions.
  • Find more information about brick kiln bondage HERE

The brick kiln in this documentary made by Insider News is 1000 kms away from our work in Faisalabad, but the same story could be told all over Pakistan by countless other families.

Please take the time to watch.

Online Video Illustration
Smudge Texture Illustration

Who we are

Since 2016, our director of Everlasting Life Mission Pakistan, Bro Shahid Anjum and his wife Saima Shahid have dedicated their lives to embodying Christ's love towards the children trapped in the challenging circumstances of brick kiln labor in Pakistan.

Motivated by a deep sense of faith, Bro Shahid and our team envision a world where every child experiences the warmth of a meal, the joy of education, and the hope of a brighter future found in Jesus Christ.

Rooted in Christian values, our passion is to tirelessly work to break the chains of poverty, and to extend a helping hand to the most vulnerable through unwavering commitment and guided by the teachings of Christ.

What we do

Providing School Supplies

Without our support, brick kiln children have little chance to access education. Not only do we provide students with the needed school supplies to begin their education journey, but there is also a need for us to educate and convince parents of the benefits of their children pursuing education instead of helping to work off the family’s debt.

Providing Food and Meals

Part of the reality of poverty is a lack of ability to afford proper food and nutirtion. Brick kiln families work tremdously hard and usually do not have enough money to properly feed themselves. The food drives that we engage in help to put food on these families tables and show the love of Christ in a practical way.

*please note the brick kiln smokestack and stacks of brinks in the background of these pictures.

Shoe Distribution

Summer Bible Camps

Gift Distribution

Other ongoing projects:

  • Weekly Sunday school services
  • Water cooler and blanket distribution
  • Christmas party and gifts
  • International Woman’s Day celebration

Plus many more projects to come!

Partner with us

Monthly Support

Inflation, coupled with other unforeseen challenges, has created a gap between our aspirations and our current capacity to provide support. Every contribution, big or small, plays a pivotal role in ensuring that we can provide hope and practical help to those who need it the most.

Project Support

We believe in the power of targeted projects to bring about meaningful change in the lives of brick kiln children in Pakistan. Whether it's organizing Vacation Bible Schools, conducting food drives, or providing essential school supplies, each project is a stepping stone toward brighter futures. By supporting these initiatives, you directly impact the daily lives and the futures of these resilient children.

Visit our facebook page to see

pictures of our latest projects.

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Contact us

Everlasting Life Mission Pakistan


Registered Society under the

district office of Faisalabad, Pakistan